Mobirise Mobirise v4.5.4
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Children 3.5-6.5 years old form the Primary classrooms. This stage of development is the conscious phase of the absorbent mind. A child can concentrate and show his independence and initiative, be self-disciplined, and have joy. Montessori teachers are trained to observe each individual child and to put them in touch with things they are most interested in learning. This allows for the satisfaction of their own discovery and a feeling of accomplishment and pride. The kids study and develop several skills like

Practical life skills like concentration and independence
Sensorial skills to compare, contrast, categorize and relate new information to what she/he already knows.
Numbers and mathematical operations
Reading and writing letters, words and even sentences.
Art, Music and Nature
Introduction to Science, History and Geography

The multi-aged classrooms provide a wealth of positive educational experiences for children. Young children learn quickly by simply observing others at work. The older children become responsible role models for the younger children. The little ones instill a sense of nurturing in the older children.

Our classrooms are stocked with Montessori education materials that the children are encouraged to use. Our experienced and Montessori certified teachers work to equip each child with strong academic and social skills for a lifetime of success.

To learn more visit the admissions page or contact us.